Kogi-indianerne, nok en advarsel PDF Skriv ut E-post
Kogiindianerne i Sierra Nevadafjellene i Colombia ser på “den hvite mann” som død. “De hvite” er bare skygger av den energien de kunne være og har ikke nok livskraft og bevissthet til å kunne bli klassifisert som virkelig levende av dem.

De mener vi er inne i en overgangstid nå, og det at regnskogen tørker ut og at jorden dør, er for dem tegn på at en ny tid er underveis.

The Kogi are an indigenous people who live in a mountain in the high Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia, in South America. Their remote mountain home is situated in Northern Columbia, the highest coastal mountain range in the world.

Spanish Invasion - 1500's

In 1498 the Spaniards arrived in Northern Colombia enslaving the native Indians. The Kogi fled to the mountaintop where they have managed to remain an isolated tribe ever since.

During the Spanish Conquest, the narrow coastal strip bordering the Sierra Nevada was the scene of violent battles in which the European invaders tried to subdue the Indians who put up fierce resistance. The Kogi are the only tribe the Spanish didn't conquer.

These Indians, known as the Tairona, had reached by the early sixteenth century a high level of cultural development, making them amongst the most advanced of all the aboriginal groups of the Kingdom of New Grenada - what is today Columbia.

The Kogi

The tribe known as 'Los Kogui' are the direct descendants of the Tairona civilization and are today's custodians of that ancient culture. The Tairona culture flourished in Northern Colombia around 1,000 AD.

They left behind stunning gold artwork, stone and pottery artifacts and an amazing network of brick roads covering the Sierra Nevada.

They have a population of approximately 12,000 people.

They live to a very old age, mostly in good health.
They plant crops and live off the land.

They prefer not to mix with outsiders. Few Colombians, or those from the outside worlds, are allowed to enter their mountain.

They marry in their culture.

Some say they have moved beyond verbal language, using tones to create colorful images in their minds rather than thoughts expressed as sentences. Some Kogi speak telepathically to each other.

The Kogis constantly move about from place to place, between their different abodes spread among the different levels of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. This is one way in which they take care of their nutritional needs without abusing the environment.
Theyl live in huts known as the Kankurua.
To penetrate a Kankurua is to enter into contact with the nine worlds and the nine states of consciousness that make it up.

The Mountain

The Sierra Nevada, in the shape of a pyramid, rises from the sunny coasts of the Caribbean tropics to the chilly, snow-capped peaks that reach a height of 17,000 feat above sea level, all in only 30 vertical miles.

Within just fifty kilometres the northern slopes descend from snow capped peaks to the turquoise waters, tropical jungle shores and coral reefs of the Caribbean ocean.
Day and night are of equal length all year round.

It has every eco-system in its 17,000 km2 area (8,000 sq. miles) You can find coral reefs, mangroves, arid deserts, rain and cloud forest, and in the higher elevations, plains and snow-capped peaks with temperatures close to ?0 degrees.

The highest peak is the Pico Simon Bolivar at 5,775 mtrs.

In 1965, archeologists found the remains of a lost Tairona religious center and called it the 'Lost City.'

It is a three-day hike in dense jungle to witness a true wonder of the past.

It is believed that there are two more lost cities.

These highlands are inhabited by the Gods and the spirits of the dead. A universe of signs and symbols, this territory is a veritable "open book" which is their bridge to the world and their collective history.

Spiritual Connections

The Kogi believe the Sierra Nevada to be the 'Place of Creation' and the 'Heart of the World'.

They call themselves the Elder Brothers of humanity and consider their mission to care for planet. They understand how the planet works as an integrated unit rather than the separation of all things in our worlds.

They believe themselves to be the custodians of the planet Earth here to keep things in balance. They achieve this through meditation wherein they communicate with all living things on the planet - humans, animals, plants, rock, etc.

They live in Aluna, an inner world of thought and potential. From Aluna they astral travel or remote view to places both on and off the physical planet.

Their sacred lands are perceived as a metaphysical symbol of cosmic forces within the whole world - an oracle of the natural balance and health of the planet.

As with other indigenous tribes, Kogi society has changed little in the past five centuries.

They survived as a culture because the Kogi focus all their energy on the life of the mind as opposed to the life of a body or an individual.

Fundamental to that survival is the maintenance of physical separation from their world and the rest of humanity. They are very protective of their sacred space and the dense jungle is not kind to tourists.

They worry about the destruction of the rain forest as well as the planet itself. This area embraces some of the most biologically diverse tropical rainforests on the planet. The Kogi are inseparable from the rainforest habit in which they have lived since the dawn of time.

As with most indigenous tribes a connection to Spirit or entities from other worlds who bring messages, is found.

Through oracle prophecies and message with Spirit, they are aware of a great change that is coming now to planet Earth. Their Mountain is dying, symbolizing this transition. Similar to what many other tribes around the world see is a world that was about to be destroyed by the misuse of consciousness. Then they saw the emergence of light consciousness as part of the process of humanity emerging as a race of beings in higher evolved light bodies. This strongly connects with the metaphysical teachings of our times.

The Kogi do not see us as "sleeping" as many of the Hindu and Oriental religions perceive us.he Kogi see us as "dead". We are not alive, but only shadows of the energy we could be. We do not have enough life force energy and consciousness to be classified by them as real people.

The Kogi set out to find out why the "dead ones" were still on Earth, and as they searched the living vibrating records of this Reality, they found exactly where and why it had happened.

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