Meditasjonsdag for jorden PDF Skriv ut E-post
En gruppe Maya-indianere har innstiftet 7. mars som en meditasjonsdag for jorden og det naturskapte miljøet. Meditasjonen kan bestå i å utøve selvbesinnelse og å forandre de mentale bildene vi har i hodet. Vi er alle ansvarlige for jordens bedrøvelige tilstand. "As within, so without" heter det fra meditasjonens manual... "We are responsible for the condition of the Earth. We are the ones who are responsible and we can change that. If we wake up, it is possible to change the energy. It is possible to change everything."
                                                                                                Hunbatz Men, MAYAN INDIAN

The environment we want outside will be created by the mental pictures we have inside out heads. We must have the right environmental picture as well as the right values. These values will give the mental picture its true meaning.

If we respected Mother Earth, we would not throw garbage on Her, nor would we put poison in Her. We would not misuse Her in any way.

Mother Earth is like She is today because of the mental pictures of previous generations as well as the mental pictures of our own generation.

If we want the environment to change, each individual must change their mental picture.

"As within, so without."

Great Spirit, today, let me be alert to Your guiding voice.

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