Pris til Michael Harner PDF Skriv ut E-post
On Sunday, March 8, 2009, at a dinner ceremony in San Francisco, the Institute will honor Michael Harner as one of the world's foremost authorities on indigenous healing practices and their relevance in contemporary times.
The Institute for Health & Healing is part of the Sutter Health community of medical centers.

"Anthropologist Michael Harner, PhD is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on indigenous healing traditions. He has dedicated the last 40 years to preserving and teaching the knowledge and principles of ancient healing practices for application in the contemporary world.

Dr. Harner received his PhD at U.C. Berkeley, and has taught at Columbia, Yale and U.C. Berkeley, as well as chairing the Department of Anthropology at the New School for Social Research, New York. He left academia in 1987, devoting himself to full-time work exploring the indigenous heritage of healing. He is the founder and director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, which funds research, publications, and offers worldwide trainings.

Indigenous healing traditions and the practice of shamanism have existed for centuries on all inhabited continents. Considered the healers or "medicine men/women", shamans utilized spiritual traditions and energy to effect change and healing in their communities. This ancient wisdom and its healing practices have been long recognized for bringing health and well-being to people throughout history, in its own way, a "natural medicine".

During his many years of fieldwork and research, Dr. Harner came to the realization that there are common practices used by indigenous or shamanic healers from around the world. Cloaked in mystery and misconception for hundreds of years, the universal truths he discovered, and his clear teaching style, have helped make these ancient healing approaches accessible to all.

Michael Harner is an authoritative and inspirational speaker. His pioneering book
The Way of the Shaman is considered the definitive resource and reference on shamanism.

We are proud to honor Dr. Michael Harner with the
2009 Pioneers in Integrative Medicine Award for his pivotal role in opening our minds to ancient wisdom and healing practices from worldwide cultures, and for his work in preserving an important part of the history of medicine and healing".

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