Krystallhodeskallene inviterer til verdenskonferanse PDF Skriv ut E-post

Den første samlingen av krystallhodeskaller i Europa skal finne sted i Nederland tiden 13.-15. oktober 2006. Et av målene for The Global Healing Circle er å bringe ”alle” verdens krystallskaller sammen for å bevare Moder Jord for kommende generasjoner.

This will be a world gathering, to create a space where "any or all" of the crystal skulls can come together; all crystal skulls and their caretakers/guardians are welcome to join the gathering. So in the mean time this "is" a call for "all" the Crystal Skulls to join the gathering as well as their caretakers/ guardians

A video of the Mitchell Hedges Skull will be shown. A native american from the north and a russian shaman involved with the crystal skulls will be there.

We found already sponsors who support us with the first gathering which will be October 2006, 13-15.From the proceed we will setup a charity foundation to make it possible to organise Crystal Skull gatherings in the world, where Spirit asks this to do.

To honour the country of the Netherlands, where the first meeting will be organised, the title of the gathering is: "Kristallen schedels komen "samen"naar jou toe!", which means that the Crystal skulls are coming together to the people ( in Holland this time). The English title is "Crystal Skulls invite you to a world gathering".

The coördinationteam is a cooperation between Prem Heera ( Heart Events), Joshua Shapiro ( The baRJis connection) and me, Gemmani ( The Global Healing Circle). Some of our sponsors: Frontier Sciences ( Frontier Magazine), Healing Arts Network, Cosmic & Flower Remedies, 't Klooster van Rilland.

Also we want to bring you the news and to announce the possiblity to have some information on where you will find a form to leave your coordinates for the organisation and to come forward for the gathering in October.

We are busy with the setup of a website, which will be "on air "medio Januari 2006 with all informations needed, accomodations to stay and registration.

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